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An adjudicator must accumulate 12 CPD points per year from 1 April in one year to 31 March in the following year. 


One hour is equivalent to one CPD point.


The following learning areas of the 12 CPD points are mandatory.


(a) At least 2 CPD points on legal principles and concepts.  For example, contract law, tort, evidence, construction law, adjudication and arbitration law.


(b) At least 2 CPD points on practice and procedure.  For example, practical matters in adjudication, adjudication procedures including appointments, powers and jurisdictions, submissions, decision writing, fees and enforcement.


(c) At least 1 CPD points on ethics.  For example, natural justice, confidentiality and conflict of interest.


CPD points can be obtained by attending lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences, or through teaching, mentoring, reading and self learning.  Adjudicators should exercise professional judgment in selecting the most appropriate CPD activities that would extend their technical knowledge, competence and skills in relation to their adjudication practice.


Examples of CPD points other than the three mandatory learning areas are:


(a) General education including attendance at training seminar, conference, lecture or course. (1 CPD point per hour, maximum 6 hours per CPD year)


(b) Tertiary study including completion of a subject in an undergraduate or postgraduate course relevant to adjudication or arbitration practice. (5 CPD points per subject, maximum 6 hours per CPD year)


(c) Case studying through discussion and evaluation of local or international adjudication cases with an experienced adjudicator. (1 CPD point per hour, maximum 5 hours per CPD year)


(d) Preparing or presenting written or oral material in CPD activity in relation to adjudication or arbitration; (1 CPD point per hour, maximum 5 hours per CPD year)


(e) Self learning in related areas including reading books, journals and articles, listening to or viewing pre-recorded content, writing articles or papers, conducting research and publications. (1 CPD point per hour, maximum 4 hours per CPD year)


(f) Attendance as a professional committee member of a professional or alternative dispute resolution institution including events and promotion involving adjudication or arbitration. (0.5 CPD points per hour, maximum 3 CPD points) 


Adjudicators may carry forward to the next CPD year a maximum of 6 surplus CPD points that were not used in the previous CPD year towards the 12 CPD point total in the next CPD year.  CPD points obtained in any of the three mandatory learning areas cannot be used as surplus CPD points.


HKICAdj may request evidence from a prospective or existing adjudicator to demonstrate how they have met their CPD requirements for each CPD year.  An adjudicator must keep a written record of the activities they have completed in order to obtain CPD points.  An adjudicator may be asked to provide other supporting documents as evidence of completion of CPD such as attendance certificates, meeting minutes, presentation materials, papers and journals.  A participant should not claim any CPD points if he is absent (excluding scheduled breaks) for more than 10 minutes for a course or event of less than 3 hours or for more than 30 minutes for a course or event of 3 hours or more in duration.


If an adjudicator fails to complete the required CPD, the person will not be eligible to continue to be an adjudicator.  HKICAdj may be obliged to remove the person from the register of adjudicator and will not be able to refer an adjudication application to the person.


Hong Kong Institute of Construction Adjudicators (HKICAdj) is a limited company by guarantee registered in Hong Kong. It is a non-profit making organisation which aims at promoting adjudication in Hong Kong.


Level 36, PCCW Tower, 979 King's Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong


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